
Might go on a vacation in my own city... Rent a hotel room away from family and just write... Therapist recommends I do so to destress, but I still wanna be productive. 


Dear readers,
          Due to stress at work, I'm taking a short break with updating "Sick of Sin." I will be writing a short story during this time—another fanfic, but not for Jojo's. Once I'm done, I will start working on "Sick of Sin" again. 
          To write a chapter, I actively watch the episode and write in real time. I pause, write, pause, write, rewind, fast forward, write, etcetera. I hope you understand why I wouldn't want to do that during or after a 10-12 hour shift. 


Hello everyone. It's come to my attention I, in fact, have bipolar disorder after only hearing it be referred to as "manic depression" and believing it to be something else. 
          So, of I suddenly decided I hate a story I wrote and deleted it, I know why now. 


Hey everyone--Some unfortunate news. Once more, another computer has fallen by my hands! Either I'm getting the worst laptops or I am the worst thing that can befall a laptop. Regardless, I'll try to post updates as best I can with my phone!