i don’t quite know what i’m feeling about this, there’s a lot of anger, lot of sadness, lot of disappointment. líam was a tragic byproduct of the horrible conditions that the music industry regularly puts artists in. in no way am i trying to excuse everything that he has been accused of. he caused some very real hurt, and traumatized maya henry as well as many young fans. however, him and one direction were a vital part of my childhood and i just can’t fathom this being something im living through. i mourn the loss of the idea of liam payne, what i grew up with, and who i had believed him to be for years before all of this came out. i’m sure addiction played a big part of his actions, as well as mental health issues, and we can hold him accountable without diminishing those possibilities or invalidating the role they might have played, but at the same time understand that those are not excuses. i know im hardly ever on here anymore, but this was something that has been eating up at me since i first found out about the news. i’m sending my best wishes to karen, nicola, ruth, cheryl, bear, and mainly maya, who is being unfairly crucified for this. everyone is entitled to grieve, even maya, and i also wish that louis and all the other members of one direction take this as a sign to cherish everything each other meant to everyone in the band, and i wish every directioner out there would reach out and hold each other in this moment, because in our anger there is also sadness and grief.
i love you all.