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Hello everyone, Livy Cheshire here, and I need some help, I want to start a new book, but I don't have a cover for it and I can't draw for shit. But anyways, I will be making an oc backstory, now a bit of back ground, it is an AU created by me and my cousin while role-playing, this AU has been around since 2017-2018, and it is centered around the happy tree friends fandom, but there's a twist, now I won't spoil anything, but I will say, it has our Green soft boi bear, Flippy, and of course our violent Bear boi Flipqy, as his brother, and yes we have them separated in this AU as twins and since I don't know what Flippy's last name is, we gave him the last name Clip, but this story is basically when Flippy and Flipqy are in the military, so if I can ask, can someone make a book cover? It can be anything from a symbol or basically fanart. I'll use my ask oc book and post a picture of my oc.
Also on a different note, I'd like to thank those who are reading yui's mute little sister, but I am also sad to say I will be discontinuing it as I had lost interest in it after writing all of the chapters, but I promise on this new book that I'm writing I'll try to keep it going, but I can't guarantee that I'll be able to keep interest in it as I'll need motivation, albeit it be from my reader's or from roleplaying it to see where it takes me or in over all mental movie, as I like to call it.
but other than that I bid you all a good day, afternoon or night wherever you live, And stay safe out there.
Bye My little Cheshire's, hope to see you soon