
Howdy. I'm alive lol


So, since I'm currently working on 3 comics at a time, I'm gonna be focusing on the "Down the Rabbithole" comic solely at the moment. Mostly due to I already have everything planned out at the moment and I actually have a lot of fun making the comic overall.
          (That's not me saying the other two aren't fun to make by the way. I just have a little more fun making the Dark Choco in Wonderland lol)


How many of you guys wanna see the Dark Choco in Wonderland AU as its own book? I've been debating it for a while and I wanna know if you guys wanna see that in the future.
          And since a ton of you guys wanna see a comic adaptation of the "monster" one shot, I decided that once the Making amends Comic is complete, that will be made into its own comic. So, please stop asking me to make it qwq


@chibi-cake-chan yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes


Could you read my story the forgotten ancient please when you get the chance tell me your honest opinion 


Thank you so much 


@DanicaVasquez7 sure. I'll look at it as soon as I can