
hi sorry i haven’t updated i’ve been so busy w school the last couple of weeks but now we’re on break!! i don’t know how much time i’ll have to write still or if i’ll even have motivation but i’m not giving up yet. if i ever decide to stop writing for good i’ll let y’all know. anyway i’m hungover and just wanted to apologize. i hope everyone has a great christmas and a happy new year. 


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@chickenstrippers fuck you


apology rejected


hi sorry i haven’t updated i’ve been so busy w school the last couple of weeks but now we’re on break!! i don’t know how much time i’ll have to write still or if i’ll even have motivation but i’m not giving up yet. if i ever decide to stop writing for good i’ll let y’all know. anyway i’m hungover and just wanted to apologize. i hope everyone has a great christmas and a happy new year. 


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@chickenstrippers fuck you


apology rejected


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lol i'm almost done writing this one shot so i'll try to update on shit, a rat! sometime tonight. and then i'll continue working on step brothers hehe 


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oh shit not on shit jeez 


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i feel like shit <3 i just asked my mom if she'd let me smoke again when my grades get better and she was like idk abt that and i said wdym u don't know abt that and then she said remember when u snuck out of the house for hours? like ofc i remember lmao it's the whole reason u banned me from smoking anymore in the first place. i just miss weed lol 


how do tyler and josh manage to make me cry just by existing 


@chickenstrippers idk but i demand an explanation why my eyes basically rain because of them


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i was tripping balls last night cus i bought a tab from my friend and i forgot that after dropping acid if u pet ur dog they can trip too and like maybe die and i was petting the shit out of my doggie and today my brother said he thinks she's sick and i started panicking mind u i'm still coming down cus trips can last up to 16 hours. anyway if my dog dies i'm ending it all that's all.