
happy halloween!  im almost 19, so no trick or treating for me 


Heyy, I love your story, Camp of The Handicapped Demigods! I have a hard time finding fan fiction of any sort involving disabled/handicapped characters. I’m trying to myself. Any tips?


Character with the disability, so it’s real. As you imagine this, write/type your ideas, don’t worry about editing, finish imagining, then edit.


I find it easy to write about being disabled because I’m disabled, so my suggestion would be to research a disability to make it seem real. Also, the research will help you  think of the story’s details as you write. For example, I wrote about my disability because it’s something I’m used to and since I have the disability, I didn’t have to stop and think about how to make it real. So my advice would be research the disability, you are writing about and Imagine your chacartef


Hey, so I'm writing a new story called, Camp of the Handicapped Demigods, would you read it and tell me how it is?


Sure! Do you want me to like help edit, too?


I am not going to post the story, until I get people who will help.


Hey, Guys! I always on now, but my books are only on this site and will stay HERE only. My app lets me on and read, but it freezes. I read 1/2 or 1 part and it freezes, I have to delete it from my history. Then, start the chapter again or it will go to where I was.