
          *runs towards you like someone verryyyyy veerryyy crazy* 
          How did you stumble upon my profile? 
          Well, whatever. First of all: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your follow 
          You are now officially a fabulous mushroom 
          *looks for something in her bag for a veeeerrrry long time* 
          *finds it after a veeeerrrry long time* 
          *takes out a snow globe and holds it out to you. You look at it more closely. It has golden highlights and inside is a small hut with (of course) lots of mushrooms. There is a small crank on the side.* 
          This is for you^^ 
          If you turn the crank, you will reach my little magical world. Make yourself comfortable there and browse around a bit ^-^ 
          I am a safe place, which means that if you need someone to talk to, I am always happy to be there to listen to you. 
          Have I forgotten something? 
          I don't think... 
          *disappears and fog appears* 
          *a piece of paper falls to the floor and you read it. It says: 
          Kisses, Bea<3 
          PS: Yes... It always has to be so spectacular (imagine a wink) *