
I'm going to try to get out some chapters for Initium Novum.  I can't promise anything though since school has taken almost all of my time. Thanks for being patient.


Making a new story to replace Memento Altum. It is going to be mostly the same. With a small twist and a few things added!  Not spoiling the name because that would spoil a small detail, but it might be uploaded maybe today or tomorrow so look out for that! :D


I have decided Memento Altum will now be an original story. Maybe and possibly either a story or a comic (story most likely). Youtubers can/may be in the story in the form of their personalities being in some characters. (Jon and Ashlie is an example, I may make it a mix of original/youtuber, it depends on how it goes.)


I am thinking about remaking Memento Altum to not be about Youtubers, and instead, make it more original. Mainly being because I don't know what to do next on it right now.  I will be putting it on hiatus so I can focus more on Initum Novum, which hopefully will have a new chapter out by today or in a few days time. I will bring it back in the future, but right now I don't have any new ideas.