Anyone else ever get tired of everything. Tired of being told what to do and how to do. And then when your finally happy it seems like every hates it hates that your happy for once in your life. Hate that your not suffering every second of everyday but thats just life. For me at least looks like I'm not allowed to be happy because everyone hates it so maybe i won't. I mean i don't deserve it anyways at least that what it seems. I mean i have never done anything worth reward so why should i be happy when i bring pain. Doesn't seem fair to me so maybe thats what it is. Everyone else knew that i didn't deserve it before i did so thanks for that i guess. Though there are sone people who don't seem to be bothered bt my happiness so maybe they think i deserve it. Well thank you for your optimism but i don't so just stop me next time i even look remotely happy ok ok. Thanks from the crap friend, writer and person