
I'm connie jeane toleno balbuena, 17yrs of age, living from the province of antique, studying at advance central collage, taking the course of midwifery, i love playing sports that im capable of, also gymnast. i love reading of many authors like the story of jhingbautista,jamillefumah,aegyoudaydreamer,racedarwin,jonaxx,ygdara,alesena_marie,maxinejiji,indiecigars,aril_diane etc., im also starting to write my stories,ill just post it after i finish it.


I'm connie jeane toleno balbuena, 17yrs of age, living from the province of antique, studying at advance central collage, taking the course of midwifery, i love playing sports that im capable of, also gymnast. i love reading of many authors like the story of jhingbautista,jamillefumah,aegyoudaydreamer,racedarwin,jonaxx,ygdara,alesena_marie,maxinejiji,indiecigars,aril_diane etc., im also starting to write my stories,ill just post it after i finish it.