
Heyo! I was wondering... Would you like to join our anime and manga club!!! X"D Happy:*pops confetti box popper thing*
          Me: I swear I asked you to do it before I asked *mentally facepalm myself*
          Happy: You did
          Me: 0.0
          Happy: But its opposite day! Yay!
          Me: (Wait... If its opposite day he wouldn't say that which means its not opposite day, which mean it is which AGGHH my mind is overloading!)
          Dont let the insane cat put you off XD 
          Happy: *eating confetti* Delicious!
          Me: 0_0 Woah, you've just took weird to a whole new level. 
          Nastu: Coming from you 


@pokepalx Omg I litterally just read what I wrote over 2 years ago xD