
there is no such thing as fiction, just non-fiction written in the wrong parallel universe.


Hello there!! I'm not sure if you like poetry but if you don't mind, please check out my poetry book From the Bottom of My Heart :) Thank you xx 


Thank you!! :)


Sure, I love poetry x


So, I've started an entirely new story that I'm excited about, called People's choice. As my christmas present to you, I'll be posting the first chapter on christmas! But it currently has a prologue. Anyway, this is the blurb and link:
          Audrey Alcott is your everyday teen sensation, Hollywood's darling, and film royalty in the making. She has it all, the super hot rockstar boyfriend, the equally popular friends, the so-called "perfect" family. She's one step away from international super-stardom and everything she's ever dreamed of- Making artistic movies she can be proud of. But for that to happen, she needs to be taken seriously as an actress. 
          When she's offered the lead in the most cliched young adult book adaptation to date, Audrey knows that's not the road to her dream. But a guaranteed nomination at the Teen Choice Awards just may be.
          Everything seems to be falling into place, but unfortunately life isn't like her movies, there's always someone to spoil her happy ending, and that someone is Ross Jensen. A Hollywood prince in his own right, and Audrey's sworn enemy. 
          He's the only thing standing between her and everything she's ever wanted, but who said being famous was easy?


So I just realized that I have like, two chapters left (and bonus chapter) of WTTC, which is friggin terrifying. Also, since this will be the completion of my first book, I'm thinking of having a party thread to celebrate, where I'll also be making a big announcement, if interested in joining, let me know xx


So I just realised that I haven't written anything in like, 2 months, between exams and school in general, I'm afraid that my teachers would prefer I do nothing but work, considering that's all I have time for, but not to worry! I'll be back on the 27th of November (hopefully)