
Sorry for not updating my story in a while! For those of you have read my 'about' section you'll notice I said this was my "vent" acount; luckily haven't felt like this in a while apart from my odd days but now my eugh mood has lasted quite a while so an update may be coming, no promises! Hope you're all doing well


Thanks for voting for my new story, A Mammoth Adventure :)


@chippy16 Really?  That's interesting - I wrote the first draft of that when I was 20 :)


@elveloy Don't worry, I've read most, if not all your writing! My absolute favourite has to be Dangerous Tension - cannot get enough of it!


@chippy16 Thank you!  PS I have more... haha :)


Sorry for not updating my story in a while! For those of you have read my 'about' section you'll notice I said this was my "vent" acount; luckily haven't felt like this in a while apart from my odd days but now my eugh mood has lasted quite a while so an update may be coming, no promises! Hope you're all doing well


Hello and thank you for the follow. I would like to warn you that my one-shot collection will be a slow-upload. I am working on a book right now, but I want to get a few chapters together before I start uploading so that I can set myself to a bi-weekly schedule and not get behind because I'm having trouble getting the chapters out. It should give me at least a two week head start ;-)


No problem! It doesn't matter how slow the updates are; if they're as good as the first one, they'll definitely be worth the wait! Good idea story wise - wish I did that before releasing any of my stories, with them both at standstills :P Anyway, I look forward to all your future updates :)