
I'm into Panic!at the Disco right now!!! AWESOMENESS TO THE EXTREME!!!
          	I'm not back, but I check my messages at least. I invite you guys to post stuff to my conversations.


Hey! It's Derrin ( you might know me by @CrazyWorksWell )


            Nah, not much in the line of good reads at the moment. At least none that I can find


@AvengetheDirection Dude! Hey!!!! Whassup!!
            I've been so inactive here, got any recommendations for things to read? I'm gonna have to get back to some fanfiction I haven't checked, and the Surgeon.


I'm sorry for not updating guys, but I'm really sick.
          I have homework to do too. School started two weeks ago, and I think we're already past the  "Letting the kids in slowly" period.
          Oh gosh, sorry! I'll try my best though.
          Sorry to the commenters on Ask Inside Out. I know I promised to update within the week, but I'm too tired right now. 
          Thank you for support, guys!