
- ; new aphrodite theme,, </3


- ; heyhey!  im not dead!!
          to be honest, i’ve kinda just been lurking around the site since i made my ' comeback ' post— catching up with old friends, reading new fanfics, etc etc. since vacations are coming up soon, ill probs be a lot more active then!
          ( ps:  i just remembered this feature existed after like two months i’ll probably forget it again soon, but still- )


omg hii! you probably don't remember me but i used to be the plankton f.f/narancia user. just dropping by to welcome you back! hope you're doing well :))


- ; ( @euratchka )
            HIHI!! i do remember you, actually- thank you for the welcome back </3 it means a lot, pookie!! i hope you’re doing well too!


- ; hello hello everyone! hp here!!
          it’s been.. practically an eternity, hasn’t it-? honestly, i don’t even know how to START this post, but— i’ll do my best. my life over the last year has been chaotic as hell, to say the least. i won’t get into it, but to sum things up: i basically had ZERO time to log on to wattpad, and when I did, i was just extremely emotionally and physically exhausted, and so i put my focus onto other things.
          most of you will probably not even remember me by name, but- to summarize, i used to be a hot pants anon named creamups within the jjba roleplaying community on this site, but one day made a ( admittedly very risky and not well thought out decision ) to abruptly switch to being a thor ( from record of ragnarok ) anon. i also deleted each and every single one of my convos from my profile to ' start over ',  which i, admittedly, heavily regret. shortly afterwards, i completely disappeared from this site without any warning whatsoever. thankfully, i got my life together enough to the point where i will ( hopefully ) be able to log on regularly again on here.
          but to be completely honest, i have no idea what direction this account is gonna go in, wether i’ll become as active as i was once, etc etc—  but- this is basically just a status update and to announce that hey! im alive!!


- ; (3)
            HELP I JUST REALIZED BOTH MY CHARACTER BOOKS ARE PRIVATED. ISTG. HGJNGJ— ill make them public soon, though!
            i will ( try ) to finish the thor one as best as i can, though the h.p. gram will stay archived for the time being!!


- ; (2)
            i am also thinking of switching into a more.. permanent username? if that’s the way to put it?? i will most likely not be going back to a complete rp account ( though it is possible that i’ll participate in some rping within the near future ), and will instead simply put together my own profile. however, i will still keep character books from that time for nostalgic purposes, as well as the fact that i put massive effort into them.
            but yeah! that’s basically it- for the time being, i’ll probably just spend my time catching up with what i’ve missed and just kind of see how to go from there.


- ; holy hell. NOT ME SAYING IM BACK FOR GOOD THEN DIPPING FOR OVER TWO WEEKS, AHAJHAJ,,, but for real though, i’m not dead lol </3
          i just went on a BIG trip to shizuoka ( it’s basically where mt. fuji is- or a part of it ) with my family, and it was amazing!! i had tons of fun, not gonna lie.


but i think the place we checked out that i liked the most was definitely fuji-hakone-izu national park. it was super pretty, and it was overall just a really nice place to visit.
            if you’re planning on traveling to japan in the future, then i definitely recommend stopping by and giving it a look. but yeah- that’s pretty much it!