Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that I’ll be changing my username soon. It won’t be Llawlietlover212 anymore; it’ll be JaneSunday. Anyways, thank you for simply being a fan of mine. It means the world to me!
Hey i know these are annoying but its always nice to have people read your stories so if you have time it would mean a lot if you could read Abandoned Sanctuary and tell me what you honestly think
Much Appreciated ( 3
Hiya (Yeah these are annoying aren't they? sorry!) i was wondering if you could check out my stories ' My Feelings For His Best Friend' and 'I Know What You're Thinking.....Literally.
It would mean the world to me even if you just read it.
And if you like it maybe you could vote,comment, or fan?
Thanks so much in advance
i wuldd thankk you frum the bottom of my heartt, but for you my heartt has no bottom :)
meaninqq :: thankk u for becominqq my fan! i wuld hav sentt this before, but i never had the time :) ndd i need to thankk my fans for becominqq a fan! you rockk!
luv yah! no likk that...but u know watt i mean!!! but seriously, you made my day!!
p.s. i likk ur profile picture! :)
Hi! Wondering if you're interesting in reading a new story? If so, I have two you might like: "Not if You Were the Last Man on Earth" and "The Shoes that Charlotte Wore." A brief synopsis of both are on my page. Comment/vote/fan is all appreciated!