
i have absolutely NO idea when this next chapter is going to be out i just have no motivation to write, and everything is just so unclear. also i miss lil peep :(


so i have a draft already and idk where to go with it so i have no idea when its gon get out. also, this quarantine thing is not treating me well at all so likeee. also, i've been living and breathing off of lil peep for the past month so if i sneak in some weird references  that's prolly why . and last thing, all of my titles are based off of songs so if you wanna listen to music or sum, just check that out


soooo, corona check and im off school for three weeks, so im trying to finish a chapter but im having some writers block and idk where im going to go with this. but i intend on updating soon. but a fair warning, im binging greys rn so, that may be my main priority atm  ✌️