
Hey guys! I just want to apologize in advance for going MIA for so long, but I'm back! I looked into restarting one of the books you've been asking for like Patient 32 and Experiment Blue, but unfortunately I suck, and instead of doing the rational choice and finishing one of those, I've started a new book. I'm sorry! I've got too many ideas for this story and my head isn't in the other ones! I'll continue trying to fix up Persevere as well, but for now go check out my newest story "The Story of the Man Named Pheonix" and tell me what you think! Once again I'm sorry I've abandoned the other books, and as soon as I have the motivation I'll get back on them!


@chloedubee I really hope you finish Patient 32 at some point. I came here for persevere, but fell in love with the patient.


Just finished reading Eclipse, after reading pretty much the entire book of Persevere in one day. Absolutely incredible writing, both books had me crying, laughing, raging, all of the emotions. It's not often a book can feel that powerful to me, but you succeeded in that twice. I'd love for you to publish these two books, either separately or together, and make physical copies. I'd buy them in a heartbeat. I was putting off reading Persevere for a while now, purely because I have a lot of other books in my library (oops?) and honestly, I'm glad I got to read these incredible stories because it showed me how amazing of an author you are. So author, I thank you for writing these two books. Genuinely fell in love with many characters, and hated many as well. 
          Thank you. 


          babe- pls finish the patient
          im begging you


Please please please finish The Patient


Sameee it’s the bestt 


agreed ive been waiting on an update for dat too


hi this is actually super important! please go through this website i linked and look through it and see if they illegally published your book. they did the same to mine. sorry to bother you with this but i don't want your books being stolen on some bootleg sit lol. 
          - zelzel <3 
          (the link goes dierectly to my book they published w/o my permission):
