Thinking about writing my graphic novel from English in to a full 15 chapter story, opinion?
How many other assignments do you have? This assignment would probably be a medium for the semester in terms of difficulty and probably the hardest for this Term (English). Also, Chloe, the graphic novel will be a lot of drawings therefore you will struggle with putting them on and adding in the texts speech. Remember it isn't about creating this amazing, massive story (although you can if you wish to). It is simply to show how much we have learnt on Onomatopoeias and descriptive language. Here is the list of the things that we have to complete in the creation of the graphic novel. • Onomatopoeia words • Speech and thought bubbles • Facial expressions • Movement lines • Text boxes to give extra information and/or passing of time • Speech bubbles and panels read left to right and top to bottom ** Needs to be at least 3 pages, with at least 6 panels each page. Needs to be creative, either coloured, or lots of detail if black and white. Sincerely, The Good Looking Guy