@WinterRaineeDay maybe God has something in planned for us that we just need to keep looking forward to. Life is full of plot holes, and there is no way we can avoid it. We can't expect ourselves to not encounter those problems.
Love has so many laws. But law school is like a walk in a park, a Jurassic park. (not mine, got it on 'Stupid is Forever' by: Miriam Defensor Santiago. The law school walk joke.)
I have a relative who had been in a loving relationship for 7 years. She went up him, through his days for almost a year, and now that he has a proper job and a car, he told her that he would bring her to Tagaytay (a place in my country) using his car. All the expenses on him. And when they got there she told him they were over and that they are as enemies from now on.
But after months since their breakup he moved on. He summoned the courage to move on, and I know you can too. Because he's human and you are as well.
I hope you make more stories on KnB. I love 'em... *fem!kurokonoharem heart shipper crais* *more crais*. I also hope you can make a non angst ff. It hurts, too much pain.
You are an awesome writer and I love ur stories. Sorry you had to read this blobby mess of words. I just gave you a solid mass of it. (/•ิ_•ิ)/╥﹏╥