
Good day, please read my special announcement. love you!! 


you still with us authornim~?


@chococoxxx wwwoooowwww, congrats authornim~~~i'm happy for you~, 
            and take your time, i just want you to know that i'll stay here waiting and be very happy if you comeback with great stories again,
            if ever you don't have time for writing again it's okay too, you have your real life that must go on, and you deserve happiness you want to reach.. i'll support always... <3


@inside_outside000 oh that, I can't promise. college life made my schedule gone crazy, I had to prioritize it hahah I'm graduating this coming august! I'll do what I can to publish another book :)


@chococoxxx the important  thing is you still here with us, i hope someday you have great inspiration for book 2 or other JL story <3, i'll be waiting <3


this message may be offensive
Hey! It's good to be back! I have a special announcement! Since my first book (Back to me) has a really really wonderful feedback from my beloved readers, I decided to do a book 2!! A fucking book 2!! Hahahahaha Just let me know If you want it and you're happy for it then I will drop chapters as soon as possible. But if I won't received any response, then I will not continue. 
          Have a good day everyone! I miss you! 
          BACK TO ME (2019) - BACK TO ME (2021) 


@chococoxxx yes i am, i'm doin great... and i hope you comeback for real this time, stay with me, with JL.. i just,,,, dont want to lose another great author,


@inside_outside000 it's been a year ahahaha yeah, sorry. Busy, college life kskakaksa I just remembered my password last week and need verification, soooo.. Yeah, hope u doin' good. I saw a lot of notification and message but I replied only to yours because it was the very recent notification hahahaha have a great day ahead! 