Hello people who for some reason are reading this...STALKERS...ohh well. My name is...Pie...I'm in 8th grade currently and surprisingly enough I LOVE MATH and I shall shout is from the rooftops!!!! My favorite colors are blue, purple, green, black, and white. I dislike the colors pink, yellow, and orange and red is an okay color. Like my username implies I am a...chocoholic!!!! I believe all chocoholics should band together and take over DE WORLD!!!!! So the chocolate will be all ours!!! MAH HA HA!!! Wont you join my chocolate loving army!!! * rant now official over*

Well... back to talking about me for no reason. I'm more of a reader than a writer. I do write but for some reasons my stories always turn out depressing even if I'm not a depressed person at all... But no matter how happy it starts out it always turns out sad... Wattpad does not need another depressing story so I provably wont write a lot on here ... that and my spelling/ grammer suckz and if I do write on here I will try my best not to make it depressing and I will proof read it numerous time!!!!!!!!! :)

I am currently addicted to Wattpad so just tell me your story below and I will check it out. I like almost all genres of books especially humor and fantasy. But I don't really read science fiction a lot and I'm a scardie cat so I do NOT read horror stories unless they are extremely gory and about flesh eating demons and or zombies :P . JUST NOT GHOSTS!!!!! Gee, they freak me out unless they are about friendly Ghosts. I'm good with Casper. :P If you haven't figured it out yet I am ... weird and random... DEAL WITH IT... Oh well I'm bored with babbling on about myself so...later.
  • The Smurf Villiage Located in California
  • InscritJuly 17, 2011


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