Hello Lovelies!
Well, I understand there is a tantrum of the first order going on over at @NightinglE_in_Dark . All I can say is most thieves aren't keen on being caught.
I'm not going to look at it. I've been told enough of her 'proofs' to find them laughable if they weren't so pathetic.
Using all caps to plead with people to support her?
No one who has exposed her has used all caps. We aren't yelling. We are simply laying out proof and letting you decide. If you agree with us, we encourage you to unfollow and block. That's it, really. No 'spying'. No yelling. Just facts and options of what to do with those facts.
If you are interested in a rebuttal to Isa's accusations, @edzooc8r has placed a fabulous series on my Response. I encourage you to read it if you have questions.
All of this has been an interesting experience but watching Isa flail as she tries to 'unprove' what has already been shown? It is sad. She will never learn the lesson. She will blame everyone else but herself.
Ultimately, I can only think of one response.
Oh, what tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive!
Sir Walter Scott
Now, go back to having a lovely day!
Hugs, chocolate, and tea!
❤️ T ❤️