
@dina_88 aw hello~ thank you so much for reading my story hehe~ I'm really extremely glad and happy that you enjoyed it~ and thank you for the encouragement! ^^


Hi jenny, this is Cheryl one of ur followers, i began to read ur story today, i really liked it. I liked d reality and the romance of d story. As i read I was shocked that u hv experienced something this tragic in ur life, and i was really inspired by ur story, it is true that when d world fails u, God will never fail u. He will never give up on u, and will always love u, and in case u were wondering i too am a Christian in Malaysia. Even though i did not experience something sad in my life, but i can relate to u through ur story, strangely...  U inspired me to hv a better relationship with God. I love u, God bless. Ur reply is appreciated, hope that this isn't too long, love Cheryl. ❤❤


I have just recently finished reading 'The Words I Never Got to Say' and I feel so touched that I cried a river. I love how you included your personal past events because I thought it related to me so much. Lately I've been feeling down because I've had a fight with my friends recently and they have been ignoring me. I'm always putting up a fake act because I don't know what to do. My friends are going through a tough time and they told me that they have been cutting themselves. I've been feeling down these past few months and I am really grateful that you have published this. Although our situations are different and I have never experienced what you were going through, I felt as though that were the same. I'm really grateful you published the book and didn't take it down, without that I'd still be miserable. Thank you. I'm feeling much happier now.


@chiiimini pity me if you want... I understand


Hi! I love your book, The Words I Never Got To Say (EXO D.O Fanfic). This one of the best stories I have read so far. I'll try my best to read the other books that you have published. :) :) Please follow me. Thank you...


All your story you made are amazing! I read all your story more then 3 times. Some parts are so sad i cry. Anyway, You are really good at writing ;) Maybe one day....You'll make a new story ;)


Thank you so much! Ahhhk I feel so grateful c: I'm planning to make another story real soon. Thank you for reading c: