
Hey guys! I'm launching a new book today and I feel so excited lol  
          	The title is: FIRST TIME!! 
          	Are you as excited as I am? 
          	Stay alert and watch out, it's gonna be released anytime from now 


Yes I have. The first chapter is up already and I plan to continue it, seeing I'm home now. I missed your posts and book by the way. Can't wait to read the next chapter!


Have you released it?


Hey guys! I'm launching a new book today and I feel so excited lol  
          The title is: FIRST TIME!! 
          Are you as excited as I am? 
          Stay alert and watch out, it's gonna be released anytime from now 


Yes I have. The first chapter is up already and I plan to continue it, seeing I'm home now. I missed your posts and book by the way. Can't wait to read the next chapter!


Have you released it?


Hey you guys! It's Vanille, yes I'm finally back Choco❤️. I missed reading comments and I missed Josie❤️. To our new followers that have no clue on who Josie is go check out our book THREE today!! To our previous and loyal followers, let's get back into business, shall we? 


Ramadhaan Mubarok our fellow Muslim readers and followers♥️♥️
          Been a while since we placed an announcement or checked up on you guys... I know... I know.. I know  the main reason for that is cause Vanille is in school and I on the other hand has no idea how to place an interesting and catching announcement ...
          This isn't going well, i know that  but please bare with me. I'm trying.
          Well, THREE is still on hold, sadly. And the reason for that is because VANILLE IS STILL IN SCHOOL!!! CAN THIS GIRL JUST COME BACK RIGHT NOW!! VANILLLEEE!!!! Well... We'll continue immediately she's back... Hopefully.
          But there's one good news and more to come with time 
          We've finally hit 100 followers!!!! Yeah... Not 1000but 100. Took a long time for that to happen. I hope we hit 200 at a faster rate.. Remember to tell a friend to tell a friend to follow Chocovanille_writers and also read THREE.
          Love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️
          Have a lovely month of Ramadan


Hi Choco & Vanille! I just wanted to pop by and say thank you for following me! I really hope you enjoy my book if you get the chance to read it. It’s a contemporary romance called Just Press Send. If you ever want to chat please message me or comment on my book– I love to talk about reading or writing! Have a great rest of your day!


Hiiii. I’m vanille. I just followed you today yeah and started just press send. I was reading it while listening to your read along lol. I love your voice btww. I spent hours just going through your page, your blog, your social media accounts, my goodness I’m sounding like a creepy stalker lmao. Sorry lol, I’m just really captivated by how much you’ve put together so far. It’s really inspiring. I’m gonna continue reading your book just press send and definitely recommend it to my friends—it’s amazinggg. I love how your blog and social media accounts are just dazzling and captivating you know? It’s my pleasure following you, thaNks for stopping by Nikki:) ❤️ 


Hey guys! I come with news! news! news! Why did I just say that three times? I have no idea :)
          So yeah since school is resuming probably everywhere, our book Three, is going to be on HOLD :/ Devastating, I know. But we’ll both be busy with school work and there’ll be no time for writing again, also most of you are students who have school to deal with as well. 
          And that is why I’ve come to make the official announcement, my word remains final(maybe until March or so)!
          I’ll miss you guys, all your comments and just for reading our book. Thank you all. 
          For those that haven’t started or aren’t up to date on the book, now is your chance to catch up ;) 
          And like Mickey Mouse says when the episode’s over, “Aww thanks for stopping by!” :) ❤️ 
          See a real zoo people!
          Vanille x Choco ✨


@chocovanille_writers See you soon.
            Truly spoken 


Hey my 94 followers!! Its Vanille❤️
          I just wanted to let you know, IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!! :)