Ok so it doesnt seem like people are tooo stressed or upset about Onyx Desire fic but as the og author (who used this acc as a cover for my dirty stuff b4 getting yeeted from main) This was the pitch I wrote for it before freeballing "They're next door neighbors that grow closer over time, and unwanted feelings begin to foster. (I know you like me, be're in front of everyone. Please don't.) He feels disgusted by these feelings, and Reader is conflicted. He urges her to follow her dreams in another city and leave. The story ends with the two parting ways." So yeah, even though it seems one sided the feelings are reciprocated but it wasn't intended to have them really get into a sexy forbidden relationship, sorry! Maybe sex lol but their goals and the taboo of it would've made comitting to anything just a dream. I rmr a subplot about her brother? I cant rmr where I was going eith it, but if anything her mom was much more interesting and I would have written about her feelings for Aizawa being an emotional crutch for the distance with her parents in the long run. Nyanywahs thats all! Hope it brought some enjoyment for as far as it got c:

WDYM?? I was pretty heartbroken over it not being updated oh well at least i got SOME kind of closure