
Why do I find myself making new book covers when I should be updating that said book 
          	I'm also very indecisive and can't commit to one book cover throughout making the book.
          	(There's an 85% chance that this won't be the last time I'll change the book cover for NAP)


Why do I find myself making new book covers when I should be updating that said book 
          I'm also very indecisive and can't commit to one book cover throughout making the book.
          (There's an 85% chance that this won't be the last time I'll change the book cover for NAP)


Chapter 5 and 6 of my book Not As Planned is out!!
          Another name for my book is its abbreviated name which is NAP hahhaha. Fun fact: that was totally unintentional, I realized it after I wrote it (I mean what are the odds right).


Woo I finally updated, after AGES. I just keep procrastinating on publishing a new chapter and kept on going back to the previous chapters editing them (which is what has been happening for the past month). 
          But as the saying goes I guess, "you can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the previous one." Turns out it works for writing as well 
          We'll here's the chapter 4 of my book "Not As Planned" Hope you like it ✨✨