
**     cbcb  +  getting  to  replies  ! 


@chosejinx * meow meow meow


you  uh . . . your  hair’s  (    vi’s  eyebrows  knit  together  as  she  studied  the  child  in  front  of  her.  the  wide  eyes,  the  fluffy  hair,  the  braids,  the  /  blue  / , it’s  like  powder  all  over  again,  it’s  like  she  thirteen  again  and  she  still  has  her  dad  and  her  brothers  and  when  her  sister’s  eyes  were  still  blue    )  blue 
          * do i look like him type sht


ID : ( @chosejinx  )
            (    vi  couldn't  hold  back  the  soft  chuckle  at  the  sight  of  isha's  excited  spin  and  grin    ) 'looks  good! (    she  tries  to  ignore   the  sting  of  the  memories  of  a  simpler  time,  when  she  still  had  a  grasp  on  who  her  sister  was.  the  sting  of  just  how  much  she  looks  like  /  her  /    )  the  tattoos  are  a  nice  touch :) (    a  part  of  vi  imagines  that  this  is  the  powder  that  could've  been,  if  things  hadn't  gone  bad,  if  she  hadn't  left  her,  and  the  thought  of  that  only  makes  the  knot  in  her  chest  tighter    )


this message may be offensive
@pinkbrawls       .           .              [*    Isha  watched  Vi  closely  as  she  pointed  out  the  obvious:   the  child  still  hadn't  forgiven  the  other  woman  for  what  had  happened  before.   It  was  clear  she  held  onto  a  grudge,   but  who  could  blame  her?   Isha   didn't  want  to  lose  anyone  else,   especially  Jinx,   whom  she  adored  so  much.   After  all,   they  were  sisters  and  shouldn't  be  fighting,  right?   The  poor  girl  struggled  to  grasp  the  complexities  of  family,   but  she  was  making  an  effort.  Spinning  around,   she  gave  Vi  a  full  view  of  her  new  hairstyle,   then  playfully  tipped  her  little  helmet  off,   flashing  a  goofy  smile  that  showed  just  how  thrilled  she  was  with  her  new  look—  even  with  the  temporary  tattoos.    *]   
            **       type shit 


" so you're uh ... like her little partner , I guess ? "


@lanesbrawler    .          [*      "Little  partner?"  She  liked  the  sound  of  that,   and  the  girl  nodded  her  head  proudly.  However,   she  couldn't  help  but  give  Vi  a  once-over—  Vi  looked  and  smelled  like  a  complete  disaster.   Scrunching  her  nose,   she  swatted  a  hand  near  her  own  face,   indicating  just  how  strong  the  scent  of  alcohol  was.   Offering  her  hand,   she  waited  for  Vi  to  take  it.   This  girl  was  on  a  mission—. despite  her  grudge,  no  one  deserved  to  look  and  smell  this  way.      *]