
Thanks to everyone who got me to 100 votes (including myself ;)! 10% approval rating is kind of a big deal, no matter how big or small the readership is so thanks!!!


to any of my BWWM enthusiast followers, PLEASE do me a solid and help me revive my "BWWM readers/writers represent!!" thread in the Romance club. It is petering out and I am sad about this.  Also, I did a "what's your favorite story on Wattpad" discussion, but I don't care about that one as much lol. I'm experimenting with updates at different times, so I'm gonna update tonight, closer to midnight. Thanks ya'lls!


For those of you trying to read the latest part(s), I did put up an actual whole scene (scene 17), not just two teasers (15 and 16). It's showing up in my works but not online if you are a reader.  I suspect Wattpad is making sure I'm not just rapidly putting up random empty pages. Ok. just fyi