Hello everybody, and once again I'd like to say thank you for your continued support on all of my writing that is published here. I wanted to inform anyone checking for updates or new stories that I have been working on a passion project to self-publish in a just a couple months. Unfortunately this project involves taking down both installations of The Roost here, and on any other platforms I've posted it on. I've spent a long time perfecting and rewriting this story to publish as its own book, and I wanted to let anybody who is a fan of the series know before it gets taken down. Please do let me know if you are interested in the rewritten, stand alone version of it when it does come out :) This has been a long time dream of mine, and I am overjoyed to be in a place where I can say it will happen. I think taking down the original story is important to me before putting out the one I've been working on, since it basically a first draft and also contains unoriginal characters. Thank you so much!

@storieswsanti I haven't actively worked on that story in a couple years, but I'm hoping to work on finishing incomplete projects in my free time, including Idle Creatures and The Artemis. Sorry for the super late reply!

@chriscubed this is great news! The Roost is one of my all time favourite fanfictions so I'd be so interested in reading a rewritten version!