Hey! Everybody! I'm NOT DEAD! I know.. it's probably a huge shock! I had some serious issues after my attempted move out of my parents place. I'm fine now.. better than fine actually. I'm going to be making some more serious but good happy changes in a few months as well. Bottom line I'm going to be updating my book. I know another shock. But no I haven't given up. I'm still unsure where I really want it to go.. I mean I know the ending sort of. But I would appriciate any advice/tips/idea's from all of you. I hope to post a new chapter by the end of the month. I wish I could do better but as I said.. big changes.. lots to do. And I have a job now. Anyway sorry for the long time between.. I hope that you all are still around and will see this. Once the summer is over I should be able to make more frequent updates.. I hope. Anyway.. if you have any ideas for the story please let me know in a pm. If I use your idea I will dedicate the chapter to you or to all those whose ideas I use (As I may use more than one in a single chapter). Until next time Potterheads! ^.^