
Incredibly sorry for Waking Blind being published. I have no idea how it happened, it’s not even complete yet and I haven’t even been on this site in months. I’ve been dealing with some family issues for a while now and I haven’t had my heart in this at all, but I can try to complete that story and have it up today.


@KarmyArmy_ thank you kind soul ❤️


Sorry to hear you've been struggling, if you don't have your heart in it and don't feel comfortable with finishing it it's alright but from what I read it was amazing! Hope you feel better, both family and writing wise. <3


Incredibly sorry for Waking Blind being published. I have no idea how it happened, it’s not even complete yet and I haven’t even been on this site in months. I’ve been dealing with some family issues for a while now and I haven’t had my heart in this at all, but I can try to complete that story and have it up today.


@KarmyArmy_ thank you kind soul ❤️


Sorry to hear you've been struggling, if you don't have your heart in it and don't feel comfortable with finishing it it's alright but from what I read it was amazing! Hope you feel better, both family and writing wise. <3


In these times of chaos, uncertainty, and fear I encourage everyone to reach out to your loved ones and let them know how much you care about them. I'm not saying this to spread feelings of hopelessness, or to try to say that you're next. What I'm saying is that music is supposed to be a safe place. At a very young age music saved my life. Whether I listen to Ariana Grande's music or not, no one should be violated in such a spiritual way like that. I can't imagine the fear that's permanently instilled in her for the next time she performs, or the guilt she has that it was her concert that was the center of a terrorist attack. To her fans, to the city of Manchester, entirety of England and Europe, you're not alone. And before any more information is thrown out there as to what happened, I want to remind everyone that terrorism has no religion, race, ethnicity, country, or anything else.
          Stay safe,


this message may be offensive
I know it's been months since I've posted anything. For those of you still around I'll post within the next few days. 
          I saw Rogue One tonight and at the end there was a 4 second clip of Princess Leia. It crippled more than I could have imagined. Star Wars was not my childhood. I didn't watch a movie until I was 13 or so. But ever since, I've fallen in love with the movies. I never get tired of watching them. Carrie Fisher will always be a hero in more ways than one. Debbie Reynolds was everyone's grandmother. I think about Billie Lourd and my heart breaks all over again. 2016 can go fuck a cactus.