(i'm 18 babes les partyyy)
this summer, God did something amazing in my life.
my church is a part of a whole chain of churches across the whole UK (scotland, england, wales and northern ireland). all the youth and young adults from all of these churches gather for an amazing christian camp & festival. none of the sessions failed to change people's lives. in one particular session, we were singing 'rest on us' and so we started to wait for God to come down and rest on us.
and he started to do amazing things.
some people were crying, some people felt the love of God, some people felt a complete peace resting on them.
for some people, it was completely different.
because for some people, Jesus was driving out demons.
and for me?
it wasn't having a demon driven out but that didn't make it any less amazing for me.
as people began to fell the presence of God, I started to as well, and I started to cry. I asked a girl from our church (about 19 years) to pray for me. as she prayed for me, i saw one of my friends from school in a room. and that room looked so similar to the room we had our sessions in. it was a room full of people worshipping God. and i just felt like God was telling me to invite her to a festival. i know that it changes lives, not only from seeing others changed, but from experience. i gave my life to Jesus last year, and i've probably said this 50 times, but there's no other words for what i did apart from life-changing. anyway, last week when we were coming back on the coach, i was drifting off to sleep when i saw pictures of one of my muslim friends. she wears a hijab. and then, i saw photos of her without her hijab. i've started to pray for her, after asking my mum what to do. and i'd like to ask you to pray for me and my two friends. thank you so much, and may you be filled with the holy spirit!