I just saw someone add my cold heated boyfriend to their dislike list, if you didn't like it, you didn't have to do that but we do see it, I'm hurt :(
I had hate on that book the first time I started it, you won't see the comments because I deleted them and when it was happening I was really hurt because it bring back memories on the reason why I stop writing in first place
When I was still in school I had two teachers one read my story out to her class then keep on calling me out for my mistakes I made, that I didn't fix up, and the other teacher was my own teacher, he done a lot to me, I would get laughed at and it was just embarrassing and really hurt me
I stopped for years because of it Q
I got back into writing sometime in 2021 or 2022 i Think, I don't remember and I'm glad I did
Thank you to everyone who is supporting my books, it does mean a lot to me <3
I know they can bad and have mistakes but I can't help it when I'm dyslexic and I'm really glad that you understand
Once again thank you my lovely's
Have a good day or night<3