
Hi. This message is a bit different from my usual ones but here we are. I am taking another year or two year break from this account. I need some space from it. I’ve been harassed by people on here and on my instagram and it’s putting me in a bad mindset and making me not want to write anymore. I will still be active on this account and will answer anyone who want to chat or message me but other than that, this account will become inactive for the next 1-2 years, more likely two. I will also be active on my other socials. Not as much as I usual am but I still will be using them. Thank you to everyone for all the love and support you have shown me, I’ll see you soon.


@Therealcoraline thank you, hopefully it does.


@christmasbarbie I’m sad to see your updates go, but I’m glad you’re setting boundaries and taking time for yourself. I hope all the weird stuff stops.


Hi. This message is a bit different from my usual ones but here we are. I am taking another year or two year break from this account. I need some space from it. I’ve been harassed by people on here and on my instagram and it’s putting me in a bad mindset and making me not want to write anymore. I will still be active on this account and will answer anyone who want to chat or message me but other than that, this account will become inactive for the next 1-2 years, more likely two. I will also be active on my other socials. Not as much as I usual am but I still will be using them. Thank you to everyone for all the love and support you have shown me, I’ll see you soon.


@Therealcoraline thank you, hopefully it does.


@christmasbarbie I’m sad to see your updates go, but I’m glad you’re setting boundaries and taking time for yourself. I hope all the weird stuff stops.


Elle's update: hello all, just a quick update. I am trying my best to update but it will more than likely be every two weeks possibly every three if I don't have enough time but I will try my best. This will be the new updating schedule until I finish my exams in May/June time. That is all.
          xoxo Elle