
Hi there, I hope you are well! I noticed that you voted on some chapters of my story, the mha one, and I really appreciate your support. As this is my first time writing, I'm keen to improve and make the story even better. Could you let me know if there's anything specific about the chapters you didn't vote for that you think could be improved? ^.^ Thanks in advance for reading this. And, just to be clear, I don't want you to vote for the chapters you didn't vote for! I just want to know how to improve them. And sorry for tpying it out here, normally I would ask privately, but since wattpad removed that feature my only way to do it is here.


@chrolloiscoolio Yeah that's right hahah realised that, didn't do anymore afetr the firsts. I mean I was told descriptions are the thing that really make novels so I guess i took it to the extreme . Thanks anyway! Anything else you see very happy to listen to it! And thanks for the votes ^.^


i genuinely just forgot. i’ll do it now. i’ve liked every single chapter. the only thing you could really fix is the amount of filler. there doesn’t need to be 200 words explaining what the MC had for dinner. 