Dear Me,
You've always done what you were told to do, what you were expected to do. Thank you for not giving up. However, I believe you can do so much more. Finish the B.O.M....plant a garden. Learn 2 new languages. Run a mile under 7 minutes. Be a better sister, a better friend, a better person. Get off Facebook! Smile more. Be independent. Strengthen your testimony and your resolve. Learn to paint. Get those candy-striping papers in! Be a better hugger. Remember how great you are. Speak out; your words are worth more. Get to know more people. Spend a little time and meditate. Take a hike to the top of a mountain. Get ready for a mission. Spend money and time wisely. Try cross-country, basketball, track, swim team. Quit soccer if you want to. Get to know Sarah and Jessica better, heck, get to know everyone a little better. Be a leader. Be a true friend. Make some sacrifices, too. For others. Finish Katie's movie script. Like Scrooge, you should live in the past, present, and future. Be a better friend to Tony and Linda, a real friend to them! Say goodbye to 2011. Ciao, MMXI!! Buongiorno, MMXII!
  • JoinedJanuary 12, 2012