
Hello Author, I am so in love with your work Zyczenia! I was so so sad and cried for a week straight about Carsein, he was such a cute cinnamon roll  I love him. Your story made me so happy , words can’t explain how much I appreciate this. Out of the 1000 things I’m sad about,  Carsein getting a second shot solves like 50 of them, WHICH IS AMAZING. I would like to ask you if I am allowed to print out this story, with your name and everything of course. I will not be selling, plagiarizing, or using your story for anything other than reading and keeping it as my go to story on sad days. I really wanted to physically be able to read this, just in case you plan on discontinuing, or for some unfortunate reason it gets taken down. I REALLY love this so much. I will understand if you do not wish for someone to print out your work. I remember looking everywhere for an alternate story where Carsein gets the girl. I get emotionally attached to characters so easily  anyways thank you for reading this, have a good day and keep it up!