
GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH HOLY FLIPPING FLOPPEDY FLOP! THEE ALEXANDRA ROSA FOLLOWED ME!!!!! I cannot believe this...i literally fainted...i am speechless...BEST. DAY. EVER.!!!!!!!! *does happy dance* i HAVE to tell my friend about this...she will FLIP OUT! Like i am right now xD we're both your fans @pinkdandelion holy moly! 


GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH HOLY FLIPPING FLOPPEDY FLOP! THEE ALEXANDRA ROSA FOLLOWED ME!!!!! I cannot believe this...i literally fainted...i am speechless...BEST. DAY. EVER.!!!!!!!! *does happy dance* i HAVE to tell my friend about this...she will FLIP OUT! Like i am right now xD we're both your fans @pinkdandelion holy moly! 


*double checks* OMG IT'S TRUE...I ACTUALLY HAD A KIND OF CONVERSATION WITH THE MOS AMAZING PERSON AND AUTHOR!! Alexandra Rosa! Author of Emotionally Compromised, Separation Anxiety, Tryst, andmany more....I can't believe my most favorite author replied to my comment...not only that but she told me I made her DAY!!! I am beyond honored...Oh. My. God. I adore her for realy! I can't believe it...this just made my LIFE! WHOLY CRAP! (Pardon my french but i am very happy and excited!) I can't believe this happened. And i just want to tjank her for being themost amazing author and person a reader, admirer, fan, and fellow writer could hope for! I literally screamed and cried lol. This is officially the best day ever!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! *does happy dance and trips on a book* yup I'm clumsy that way ^.^ @pink_dandelion 


how am I JUST NOW seeing this. no need to freak out, you're awesome. Thanks for reading. It's the most awesome thing ever FOR ME!!! eekkk. <3 <3 <3 thanks I am like swooning over this message and grinning like an idiot. haha. be cool Sara!!! ;)


TO ALL READERS: I am deleting Keeping It Together because I feel like I can do SO much better and I want to give the best reading experience that I can offer. So I am deleting the WHOLE story and MAYBE the story and the conflict will be the same but I'll re write it. I know for sure that I won't have foreign language lol unless I need to lol. I don't know WHEN I'll start the new story but I'll let you guys know once I feel inspired. Also It might take a very long while because of school and hw and all that good stuff :/. I really LOVE writing and READING especially so I'll try to not take TOO long :) I'll delete the story on Monday in case ANYBODY OUT THERE is reading it. So yeah I'll keep you guys updated `whenever I have news lol Night Night peanuts! this is my new thing: "I loves you BUNCHES!"


For all of my readers: Yes I changed the cover AND title haha. I am proud of my work creating the new cover! I feel like it now matches my story and gives it a more touching title :D If you have any comments or questions please feel free to message me any time! Please remember to VOTE and SHARE my story so more people can read it! I would realy appreciate it and big news!!! *drum roll* I'M PLANNING ON WRITING ANOTHER STORY!!! HAHA I'm still working out the details and such but my head is storming with ideas! I hope dear readers that you're liking my FIRST story EVER! and I know it's a little rusty but PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! And I feel like my writing will only get better from now on. I will try my hardest and best to not disappoint you! Thank you so much for all those readers who are taking the time to read my first ever story and keep reading lol THANKS AGAIN PEANUTS! Au Revoir!