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am i the only one that hates when a friend wants to you? not bcos they’re ranting but because most of the time i just genuinely don’t know what to say. i suck with verbal comfort, it’s a hard concept for me to grasp cos i grew up being told “stop crying or i’ll give you reason to cry”, and whenever i’m upset i usually just like to be left alone and not bothered rather than be comforted. it’s hard for me to say the right thing cos i always feel like i’m fucking it up even more. and not even just friends but ppl around me in general. like my mom told me that i genuinely suck at comforting and sometimes all someone wants is a hug and i thought that was so weird cos me personally, if someone were to hug me while i’m upset i would actually become mad.

It’s why I never expect a reply bc I can’t comfort either !! It’s really just getting the rant out of your system that feels good. Comfort is awkward

Omg yea, like I just sit there with an awkward smile just staring at them. Cause like no body ever taught me what I was supposed to do.

i be catching feelings then getting the ick then catching feelings and getting the ick and it just goes on and on and on and on

why does no one talk about how fun writing smut is. like I’m just writing out of boredom and like I’m having a blast.

@chuckle_nutz0 Like I’m too embarrassed that all of a sudden everyone would magically know my identity.

@CrispyChickenArmeen LMAO FRRRR. like i’m having so much fun writing it but i wouldn’t publish it even if my life depended on it

I do it all the time. Like it’s so fun but I’m too embarrassed to ever publish it.

i just try so hard to be calm and rational when going back and forth w my mom and it’s still not enough. god forbid i actually try to talk things out with her and actually try to understand one another. it just doesn’t make sense anymore

@CrispyChickenArmeen snap it up for that one cos I FELT THAT IN MY CHEST. like i’ve obviously changed since i was a kid but it sucks bcos my mom just stopped telling me abt how much she misses the old me and how i’m not the same person i used to be LMAO

@chuckle_nutz0 Golden Child is a blessing until you want to be yourself.

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@CrispyChickenArmeen YES EXACTLY. like i try to hard to never give my mom a hard time bcos i see that shit that she’s been through with my sister and i don’t want to stress her like that. but then i say things that i don’t think is wrong but she’ll perceive in such a bad way and will be like “ur starting to be like your sister” like hello? it just doesn’t make sense anymore. being the “golden child” is a blessing until you grow up.

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sometimes i rlly do miss quarantine. i think it’s because it was when i was most depressed and i find so much comfort in my depression but man was life kinda nice. i was fresh into my anime phase, reading a new book everything 3 days, binging shows left and right, giving 0 fucks abt anything, never doing school work, staying up till 5am, getting online friend constantly, playing roblox at ungodly hours of the night, tik tok was literally at its peak, just everything. it was honestly one of the lowest points of my life and it fucked me over so badly but i enjoyed it so much that i wouldn’t mind going through it again.

The way we went through the same quarantine. But yea as depressing as it was, it was a pretty comforting time.

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guys definitely know how to make u feel stupid after talking… be making me not wanna say shit anymore lmao

the way a haircut can change the way i view someone is insane

i’m wholeheartedly convinced that life is so ass bcos i haven’t rewatched haikyuu in a long time

the way my personality switches so fast depending on the person i’m talking to is insane