
I’m back and ready to update uwu hope y’all haven’t forgotten me yet huhu✨


@chuffii_  heyy love um I was just wondering if you are updating your stories because I love both of them


Hey there!! I hope your doing ok but im gonna ask if your book Colored Emotions KsjxBTS are gonna be updated but dont worry im not rushing you hehehe i just read it today and i love it so much so i hope you will continue it!! Thank you btw stay safe and healthy!! Have a nice day/night!


Hi I'm just asking if you're okay?


Omg, I’m so sorry for not being able to update! It’s been almost a year since I’ve updated, I feel bad cuz school got in my way, not having enough time to focus on my books. However! I’ll be updating as soon as I have free time! Please do look forward to it fam~


Hey question, what happened to bang tan village? I’m so sorry if I am super late on asking but I wanted to reread it and ended up noticing it was gone. I hope you are doing well! :)


Hi! Omg, I never expected someone to notice it gone. I’m planning on rewriting it from the start cuz I really sucked at grammar before XD But fear not, one of these days I may post it once again. Thank you so much for looking forward to it! Hope you are also doing well wherever you may be~


@chuffii_ plz update it     its really good 


Are you ok? You are not updating since like May.... hope you are feeling fine :) anyways have a nice day/night ;) and please update  crab supremacist ^^


I’m okay! Sorry for not being able to update much, had a major life crisis these past few months. Hope you understand fam. And don’t worry, I’ll try to update crab supremacist☺️