
Yeah, It's one of my favorite anime and I have the whole set in DVD!! XD And it's actually just one season, they just split it up into two parts. I couldn't get it in one set, I had to buy both parts and each was over $25 :P


NO NEED TO FEAR! KONOHA'S SEXY, PURPLE, AND YOUTHFUL BEAST IS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY! -strikes a youthful pose- Arigato for being so youthful and taking the time to fan me. c: You have put a smile on my face. I hope I can repay you and make you smile also. c: For your music taste, have you heard of My Chemical Romance? I think you would like them. Their music is really inspirational. (: Have a wonderful day and most of all, STAY YOUTHFUL! -runs off into a sunset while anime crying-


Yeah, I love My Chemical Romance! ^^