
@hpwand16  No not at all this is long over due when I 1st joined you greeted me and said if I was stuck get in touch so kindness is rewarded and it's the only way I know how
          	I have read your stories and have enjoyed the keep the good work coming


is it so important to have many readers and votes in Wattpad?
          cause I have noticed all the stories I have read always have a wee note from the author asking for votes and saying sorry for not posting fast enough...does wattpad have a time limit to when your stories must be updated?


In an opinion of realism due to the lack of concentration that we each posses as mere humans rather than gods, I, from the bottom of my heart, would like to grant you an opinion of thanks for the fanning you have bestow upon me. I do hope that in your heart of kindness you can see my gratitude and I would be more than happy to inform you it is appreciated. Please be content and contrast enough to offer opinions and votes where you see due.  I sincerely hope that my work does not bring boredom to your mind, but instead chills to your soul. 
          Best wishes, 
          and always,
          Craig A. Price