
hi everyone. i know it's been a while......a very long while. a lot has happened in my personal life these last two years, and i'm sorry if my absence affected any of you too profoundly. i miss writing very much, and even more so, i miss interacting with and receiving all the love and support from my loyal fans. i can't promise any updates soon, but instead of going M.I.A. again, i'd like to let you all in on some of my plans for my writings. i was very young when i started posting my works on here--barely 12 years old lol. i hope to edit my stories and replace some their juvenility with more mature, better-developed storylines. i am starting university this fall, and plan to finish all four years of it, but i hope to dedicate some free time during that period of my life to getting back into writing. writing stories had helped me so much throughout my youth and adolescent years; it was a healthy escape from the darker reality i was experiencing. heartbreak, pain, loss, depression, anxiety, they each affect an individual so profoundly in the sense that they tend to drain a person's mind and heart of any creativity or motivation or purpose. but they also teach that individual a lot about themselves, and others, and the world around them, and i would like to think that during these last 2 years i've been absent, i have grown and matured and am beginning to feel ready to take on the world of writing once again.
          	if you've stayed with me this long throughout my journey, i would like to thank you for your patience and dedication as a supporter. it has never gone unnoticed. i never thought my writings would gain the popularity they did, or even resonate with people so deeply. you all had always been my motivation to sit down at my laptop at 11pm and speed-type like a madwoman so that i could produce something worthwhile at 4am. i hope to receive that love and support again. i know my updates have been awaited, and long overdue.
          	until next time,


@ciannnna almost 3/4’s the way there! You can do it :D


@chemomantic I am glad you are back and are okay. I do understand it's ever so difficult to find creative motivation whilst also battling with depression, I do so too and it took me 3 years to finish my book and post it on Wattpad...We your readers are here for you and you can always talk to me. If you feel down you can always message me. As long as you love to write, take as long as you need to update 


I started reading healing Gabriel when I was just barely a teenager. I loved it then and I still love it now at 23 almost 24 years old. I reread it once to twice per year. I can’t wait to see the day when you do publish it, and I will pay whatever I need to. I’m sure there are thousands of fans who feel the same and I look forward to the day when I could maybe see healing Gabriel on my bookshelf. We love you and this little masterpiece that we use to torment ourselves. 


Happy new year! I lost access to my old account so hat I’ve had for 10 yrs lol im very upset about it. Anyway one of the first books I remembered to add back to my library was HG because 1 i like to re read it and 2 im hoping one day it’ll just update lol but yeah great book hope your well you did your big one with that byeee!


I just wanted to say hi, I read 'Healing Gabriel' years ago on a different account back when I was still in school, that story inspired me to start writing. It was such an important read that I head to come and read it again. Inspired the first story that I'm proud of because it blends my love of BL and history and I was wondering if you would not mind if I dedicated the first chapter to you?


I dont think I could've possibly found HG at a better time than this, It's just the kind of story that always stays with you and I'm really happy to see that you're returning to wattpad! Maybe this is weird to write but I want to thank you, for writing HG because it's seriously a masterpiece


hey there, I really really love your books but that’s not really why I’m writing this. You’ve been absent for a while now and I just wanted to know how you were doing. It’s gonna sound dumb since you don’t know and in a way I don’t know you but I worry for u sometimes :(. So yeah, how are you?