hey guys..
Reading List
hey guys..
— Question of the Day! What do you think about Quiet on Set?..
I need someone to talk to about my teen wolf fanfics..
— Question of the day! Do you think love at first sight is real?
@ cigaretteskissess I just asked my dad and he said yes... I WAS IMPRESSED I DIDN'T EXPECT IT he's like the most unromantic person alive I was SHOCKED
No offense but does anyone wish the percy jackson series never came out? Only because of all the false rumors, the bullying, harassment, etc.
@STfan22 Exactly. Like they don’t deserve any of it they’re just kids. I love the show personally but if they had to get rid of it so the cast wouldn’t be bothered I wouldn’t be mad. Not to mention the false rumors of rick riordan supporting Israel
has literally anybody seen the flash or supergirl??
@cigaretteskissess exactly, and i was mad about supergirl cuz they messed it up so bad like i was actually entertained by the show and then they went and messed it up
Im trying to edit but where tf did all the audios go??
last call for dts on my miguel diaz fic!
go follow my new tiktok acc! @cigaretteskissesswp!
dts on a miguel diaz fic??
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