
Assalamualaikum guys. sorry sebab saya kene unpublish dulu Please, be mine ! sebab dah lama sangat tak update and nanti makin ramai tertunggu-tunggu and tanya. so, i will write it till the end first and after that baru publish balik okayhh.. sorry guyss..


Assalamualaikum guys. sorry sebab saya kene unpublish dulu Please, be mine ! sebab dah lama sangat tak update and nanti makin ramai tertunggu-tunggu and tanya. so, i will write it till the end first and after that baru publish balik okayhh.. sorry guyss..


Guys, sorry. I need to delete my story. Insya Allah kalau ada rezeki i will publish back.
          I feel like don't have semangat nak menulis lagi. 
          By the way, sedekahkan Al-Fatihah for my younger sister Nurhaifa binti Said yg telah kembali ke rahmatullah pagi semalam.