
hello guys, first and foremost, I want to apologize for not updating lately. Seriously, I'm still exploring my ideas and, truth be told, I don't want to continue this story anymore. Trust me, I'm the most repulsive person I know, so I kinda just lost passion for this story. I'm sorry if you're waiting for updates (macamla best sangat) anndd if I want (please highlight that) to continue with a new story, look forward to it. ok bye hehehehe


hello guys, first and foremost, I want to apologize for not updating lately. Seriously, I'm still exploring my ideas and, truth be told, I don't want to continue this story anymore. Trust me, I'm the most repulsive person I know, so I kinda just lost passion for this story. I'm sorry if you're waiting for updates (macamla best sangat) anndd if I want (please highlight that) to continue with a new story, look forward to it. ok bye hehehehe


finally can spare some time to write ;) life is so busy nowadays, huh?  btw I actually made an IG account to promote my books (why did I do that, I'm already so lazy) so do drop a follow if you want :) if you don't, well idc. my username is _cikemgee_ hehehe


Hi author, My Halal Housemate ni ebook ke ?


@cikemgee nakkkk belii. Bagi no sis 


@hydell_ haah ada ebooknya :)


after writing so many chapters about kek batik.. i finally made one. who could have thought?


and it actually turned out  good HAHAHA terima kasih kepada character saya yang memberikan motivasi untuk  membuat kek batik for the first time