
          	I apologize for leaving some stories unfinished for so long. But I did make a promise, and a promise is a promise. 
          	I’m gonna try to knock out these ongoing stories I have. If I still want to write something more, we’ll have to see.


          I apologize for leaving some stories unfinished for so long. But I did make a promise, and a promise is a promise. 
          I’m gonna try to knock out these ongoing stories I have. If I still want to write something more, we’ll have to see.


I just read a chapter, saying that you could use a friend to reach out to. I’m totally open for letting others vent ont me, I’m not gonna judge you, and am gonna support you no matter what. I’m sorry for not introducing myself, by the way. The name’s Midnight.  


          The options:
          1. —Is There More to This?;
          ]~ No quirks ~[
          ]~ Omegaverse ~[
          Izuku falls in love with Shoto who is a pure breed alpha from a high class family. He knows his love was pointless but tried his best to be close to him. Eventually they mated but Shoto’s dad was infuriated sending Izuku to be mates with someone else while he finds another pure breed for his son. Thats when Izuku found his old childhood friend Katsuki. Somehow, they mated as well. 
          ]~ TodoDekuBaku ~[
          2. —The Secret of my Family;
          Sequel to: The Secret of my Omega
          A story more around Kohi, Izuku and Katsuki’s missing baby from the ending. (sorry if thats a spoiler)
          In search to find who he really is.
          3. —The Omega Everyone Asked For
          <# No quirks #>
          <# Omegaverse #>
          Izuku was in love with Ryuun and they began to date. But when Ryuun heard the rumors of Izuku floating around he broke it off. Leading Izuku to spiral into a dangerous mental place. Becoming someone he hated. Until Izuku met someone he wanted to change for.
          (Keep in mind I don’t know who to make Izuku fall for so put that down below)
          4. Love at first sight
          _\ Villian Deku /_
          _\ BakuDeku /_
          Izuku is a villain where he can make people release the chemical for love(gotta do more research on that) but the quirk doesn’t work on one person. Hero Dynamite aka, Katsuki Bakugou. This is gonna be more of a rival to lovers kinda thing.
          5. Poisonous Woman
          ~| Female Deku |~
          ~| DekuBaku |~
          Izuku Midoriya is known to be one of the most powerful and dangerous people in the mafia. First starting off as a blackmail victim soon turning into the mafia head of the Hassaikai clan. The real question is how such a powerful person could be a woman.
          Let me know which one I should write! Until next time 


@ciolJen I think you should do 2 or 4 I want that sequel but that other story caught my attention!


@ciolJen I am interested in Love at first sight


AND A LAS I AM BACK WITH THE ENDING TO…what was it again…It Can’t Be You! I’m honestly happy with how it went sorry to make you wait. 
          ANYWAY! Now that I’m done with that story I can create another one! I will make another post with a list of ideas because  there are many…


Hi !!!
          I just wanna say-
          Your storys about bakudeku are awesome ❤️❤️ 
          I really love reading them !!!
          And Wanna me friends ??!! If you don't mind follow me back :-)


@ciolJen no problem !!! And thanks for the follow 


@fangboboiboy_hashi and thank you for the support 


Hello everyone! Thank you for all the kind words you gave me regarding my last post. 
          As a thank you, I am coming up with a new story. I just have one problem.
          I have three story ideas and honestly I can only do one for now. I will write the other ones when I can but I have time in my schedule for one new story. 
          The options:
          —1) One of a Kind;
          -= Dekubowl =-
          Izuku has always had trouble making friends since a young age and would be bullied horribly. Inko trying to protect her son keeps him at home and homeschools him. Once he's approaching high school however, he wants to try going to school again. Inko allows it and just prays that nothing bad happens. When he arrives the first day though, everyone is blown away by this spectacular person.
          —2) Title not decided;
          ]~ No quirks ~[
          ]~ Omegaverse ~[
          Izuku falls in love with Shoto who is a pure breed alpha from a high class family. He knows his love was pointless but tried his best to be close to him. Eventually they mated but Shoto’s dad was infuriated sending Izuku to be mates with someone else while he finds another pure breed for his son. Thats when Izuku found his old childhood friend Katsuki. Somehow, they mated as well. 
          ]~ TodoDekuBaku ~[
          —3) Title also not decided;
          Sequel to: The Secret of my Omega
          A story more around Kohi, Izuku and Katsuki’s missing baby from the ending. (sorry if thats a spoiler)
          In search to find who he really is.
          Let me know what number idea you’d like me to make first cause it is a thank you gift after all.
          See ya gems in the next story 


@ciolJen DEKUBOWLLLLLLLLLLLLL only if chu want to tho qwq <3