I am the author of "Land of Childhood's Fears" and a dozen other varied titles. Visit my Web site at http://www.Net4TruthUSA.com/bookcatalog.htm to see all my books. I also run the Web site for Veterans for Constitutional Law http://www.VFCLL.com the only Veteran's Advocacy Organization NOT affiliated with the Veteran's Administration. together, we got Senate Bill 3421 passed - a major victory for disabled veterans. Now, we have a NEW mission... the repeal of Judicial Immunity; which is the unwritten law that protects judges, prosecutors, police, social workers, and other government employees from criminal prosecution and civil lawsuits for crimes they commit in their "official capacity". We believe that NOBODY SHOULD BE ABOVE THE LAW, and so we ask for your moral support. Please rrad the article on http://www.Net4TruthUSA.com/abovethelaw.htm and linked references. Please SIGN THE PETITION hich will have corrupt politicians scurrying for cover like the cockroaches they are.