
I should write more... Anything in particular I should write? Fanfiction? Original fiction? Scifi? Fantasy? I'm avoiding drawing and I need to ease myself back into writing again. 


@cipycity No problem! I also have some dreams that I wanted to share to the world


@robonxt Thank you! It's been so long since I've had motivation to write, nearly a year I suppose, I could always try to show some more of my dreams. I'll start writing them down again. Thank you :)


@cipycity Write more dreams! I like the scenes you paint with your words in your dreams


I should write more... Anything in particular I should write? Fanfiction? Original fiction? Scifi? Fantasy? I'm avoiding drawing and I need to ease myself back into writing again. 


@cipycity No problem! I also have some dreams that I wanted to share to the world


@robonxt Thank you! It's been so long since I've had motivation to write, nearly a year I suppose, I could always try to show some more of my dreams. I'll start writing them down again. Thank you :)


@cipycity Write more dreams! I like the scenes you paint with your words in your dreams


Wonderfully horrible rant ahead-
          Screw it I'm done. 
          People are just pissing me off. But I will continue to write, or try to at the very least. 
          I just won't interact with people, but right now I'm not exactly sure. 
          I'm just really pissed off, and really tired. 
          School is nearly over, (yay), so I'll have more time to sleep and write. 
          Found out my grandfather has stage four lung cancer. Um... Have cut myself off my all my IRL friends... And devoted my free time to doing something I'm slightly good at. 
          Hunting for villages in starbound. 
          Anyways, thanks for reading my rant,
          Coda out.